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CLC Eye Center

Clinica Las Condes has a professional team that provides quality treatment of all eye problems that present in adults and children. In addition to providing a preventive approach which seeks to detect eye diseases early, we enabling technology to provide comprehensive and complex patient care.

The medical team that makes up the Eye Center of Clinica Las Condes provides quality care for eye problems in adults and children.

The wide field and the sensitivity of the structures comprising the eye, has made it necessary to develop several subspecialties within ophthalmology. For this reason, our center has several teams of medical and surgical professionals in order to provide highly specialized care at the highest level.


  • Eye socket, tear duct, and eyelid Plastic Surgery
  • Diseases of the Cornea and Ocular Surface
  • Cornea surgery and Refractive Surgery,Reconstructive Surgery
  • Glaucoma and Anterior Segment
  • Cataract Surgery - Multifocal Intraocular Lenses
  • Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Surgery
  • Retinal Diseases
  • Retina and Vitreous Surgery
  • Ocular Inflammatory Disease and Uveitis




Dirección Académica
Edificio Azul
Piso 1


Horario de Atención

Lunes a viernes
de 8:30 a 18:00 hrs.