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Center for Hypertension in Children and Adolescents

The Center for Hypertension in Children and Adolescents consists of a multidisciplinary team responsible for the prevention, study, research and treatment of disease and associated risk factors such as being overweight, excessive salt intake and physical inactivity, among others.

Facts & Figures

Taking blood pressure should be included in the physical examination in all children over the age of 3, at least once a year in routine checkups.

If one parent is hypertensive, a child's risk of developing high blood pressure is increased by 15 to 20%, this risk increases to 50% or more in the case that both parents are hypertensive. In these cases, blood pressure should be taken at each physical examination at any age.

The same behavior should be taken in case of history of extreme prematurity, heart or kidney disease or other diseases that are associated with increased blood pressure, such as Williams' disease, tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis, among others.





Dirección Académica
Edificio Azul
Piso 1


Horario de Atención

Lunes a viernes
de 8:30 a 18:00 hrs.